Questions And Comments

Because I really want to start thought and dialogue which is focused on the Christianity found in the New Testament, questions and comments are welcome even when they challenge and disagree with the articles I’ve written.  However, I do not wish for any question or comment on this blog to be sarcastic, vulgar and/or impolite in nature.  The reason I do not want this is because I want all articles and discussions on this blog to show a reflection of a Christ-like spirit at all times.

Therefore, I reserve the right to delete and not answer questions or comments which I deem to be snarky, obscene and/or rude.  This does not mean that I am trying to dodge the question; rather, I want the light and love of Christ to be shown on this site and this is how that goal will be met.

In addition, I request that all comments and questions posted to a particular article stay relevant solely to the topic covered in that article, that they be no longer than 300 words, and that you refrain from spamming this site or advertising your own site or product here.

I will do my best to provide a biblical response to each question asked of me as quickly as I can.  Sometimes it might take a bit before you hear from me due to other responsibilities I have which in many cases take precedence over this blog, but I promise to do my best to respond with a biblical answer as quickly as I can and in as best a Christian manner as I know how.  This being my own blog, I reserve the right to have the last word, moderate the conversation in any way I see fit, and use, print, store, repost, distribute, or reproduce whatever you post in the comments in any way I see fit, including — but not limited to — a book, a magazine article, a blog post, or a sermon presentation.  (So think before you write.  Don’t say anything you don’t want the world to see.)

Please also note that each of my responses are designed by me to fully answer each question as best as I know how.  While I do not claim to be perfect in reaching that goal every time, I do my best to do so with each question.  One of the main reasons I do so is because I’ve found that Internet discussions can easily turn into “beating a dead horse” territory, in which one or both parties end up making the same points over and over again.  I want to try to avoid that on my blog.  Therefore, for my part I promise to fully answer each of your questions as best as I know how, and in return I ask that you keep your follow-up questions from covering ground already covered earlier in my responses and that you limit them to only 1-2 additional comments or questions.  If you have a follow-up question to a response that I give to an earlier question that you’ve asked, I will answer it if I honestly feel I didn’t already answer it appropriately earlier, either in the article or in my earlier response to you.  If I feel that your follow-up is leading into needless repetition, I will delete it and not answer it.  This will be done not out of any animosity towards you nor out of a desire to dodge your question, but rather out of a desire to avoid having future readers feel like both of us are “beating a dead horse.”

Thanks for keeping all of this in mind, and thanks especially for reading my blog and caring enough to engage in discuss spiritual matters in a Christian manner.


11 thoughts on “Questions And Comments

  1. I have been researching on the web for information about an issue concerning the “breaking of bread.” That’s how I found your site. I enjoyed reading your research from the Bible about communion. A question that I have been asked about recently is, “Does the phrase ‘break bread’ mean that each Christian must “break” off their own piece of the bread. Some are insisting that since the Bible says “break bread” it means that we cannot use individual portions of bread. I have tried to show that in Acts 2:42 and 20:7 “breaking bread” includes drinking the fruit of the vine also, thus “break bread” is an idiom for the Lord’s Supper. One person even thought this might lead to instruments of music in worship! I’m having a difficult time convincing them. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hugh, thank you for the question. I also appreciate the sincerity of those who have asked you about whether “breaking bread” requires them to do so, because it shows a willingness to obey God even to the smallest detail. If only we all had that kind of dedication!

      I agree with your thoughts that “breaking bread” is an idiom referring to the Supper as a whole (Ac. 2:42; 20:7). I would also point out to them that while instituting the Supper, it was Jesus who broke the bread and gave it to the disciples, not the disciples themselves (Mt. 26:26; Mk. 14:22; Lk. 22:19). When they had received the bread, it was already broken. Whether they themselves proceeded to break it into smaller pieces is not revealed in Scripture, and thus is a matter of conjecture.

      Keeping this in mind, point out to them that by the time the tray holding the unleavened bread has reached them each Lord’s Day, that bread has already been broken, either by the manufacturer which produced the bread back at the plant as part of the process of packing and shipping it, or by their brethren as the tray was passed through the congregation before it reached them. Just as Someone Else (Christ) had already broken the bread before giving it to the disciples, someone else has already broken the bread before it arrived to them.

      If they are not convinced, encourage them to by no means violate their conscience per the command of Romans 14:23, but also exhort them to not divide the church over their idiosyncrasies (Ro. 14:20); rather, God wants them to keep their opinions over this matter to themselves in the interests of unity (Ro. 14:22).

      1. I believe that the “breaking of bread” is their way of saying “eating a meal”.
        We always think that bread is the staff of life. That’s the way I was taught. Thanks!

      2. Hi Steve. Concerning correlating “breaking of bread” with “eating a meal,” they are not always necessarily the same thing. Check out this article I wrote a while back which examines this. I hope you find it informative. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. dear JON for the past one month I have been reading your blog. I appreciate your zest to LORD JESUS CHRIST.I have got one question regarding Mathew; 7 21-23. Here people prophesy and drive out demons in Jesus’s name and ultimately got rebuked by Lord. Please explain this.

    1. Good question. The point Jesus is making in Matthew 7:21-27 is the need for disciples to penitently obey all of the Father’s commands, not just some or even most of them. Even the prophets or miracle workers of Jesus’ day would still be condemned if they had unrepentantly disobeyed God in other areas. The Old Testament gives an excellent example of this in 1 Kings 13. Read that chapter and then tell me if what happened to the younger prophet fits what Jesus is saying in Matthew 7:22.

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