Church Discipline: There’s More to be Said…

If someone in the church wants to get us involved in practicing discipline against someone else in the church, we must make sure that their reasons for doing so are completely honorable and solely revolving around concern for that person’s soul and the sanctity of the church as a whole.  This is why church discipline is intended as a result of actual sin as defined as such by Scripture rather than one’s own standards and scruples, and is to be done under the wise and prudent parameters of Matthew 18:15-16 before any further action involving the church and disfellowship is taken.… Read More Church Discipline: There’s More to be Said…

Church Discipline: Let’s Talk About It

I get it.  I really do. Awkwardness….uncomfortable situations…the probability that someone will get upset at you…the potential loss of friendship…all of that and more is part of the package you unwrap when you go to a brother or sister in Christ who is “caught in any transgression” and tell them, no matter how lovingly and kindly you try to do say it, that they are sinning and they need to repent (Gal. 6:1; cf. Matt. 18:15; James 5:19-20).… Read More Church Discipline: Let’s Talk About It